
Release version#

  1. First create a suitable virtual environment, e.g.:

    python -m venv cavcalc_env
  2. Activate this environment by running:

    source cavcalc_env/bin/activate
  3. Once this virtual environment is activated, you can install cavcalc simply via:

    pip install cavcalc
  4. You can check that the installation was successful with:

    cavcalc --version

    if you see something along the lines of:

    cavcalc v1.2.0

    then you should be ready to start using cavcalc!

Troubleshooting for early adopters

If you already have cavcalc installed on your machine, with a version number less than v1.0.0 (i.e. an alpha version in this case), then you may run into issues with the change in the config file format from these earlier versions. To rectify this, you should delete the cavcalc.ini file present in your user config directory with the following command:

rm ~/.config/cavcalc/cavcalc.ini

Note the below assumes that you are using Windows PowerShell, but similar commands will exist for other terminals.

Remove-Item "%APPDATA%\cavcalc\cavcalc.ini"

Once that file is deleted, cavcalc will automatically generate the correct config file in the same location when running / importing again.

From source (development version)#

The steps below assume that you have a working git installation, and that the environment you are using has Python version 3.9 as a minimum. The steps to follow are:

  1. Clone the repository. For example, via ssh:

    git clone
  2. If you haven’t done so already, install the Python package poetry. The official instructions for doing so can be found here. In short, on *nix based systems the recommended command to run for installing poetry is:

    curl -sSL | python3 -
  3. (Optional) If you’d prefer that the virtual environment, which poetry makes when installing this package, is created within the project root, then run:

    poetry config true

    See the documentation on this option for more details.

  4. Simply run:

    poetry install

    in the root of your local copy of the repository. This will create a virtual environment for cavcalc; first installing its dependencies as defined in the poetry.lock file, then installing the package itself in editable mode. You can check that the installation was successful by activating the virtual environment (e.g. via poetry shell), and running:

    cavcalc --version

    If this results in an output similar to:

    cavcalc v1.3.0.dev0

    then you should be ready to start using the development version of cavcalc.